Revivals of Religion
Revival by
Charles Finney
A key theologian, Charles Finney brings together thirty-three lectures and presented the book to his church in the middle of the 19th century. Having edited multiple times over the hundred and thirty years, publication without any editing gives us a chance to understand Charles Finney. This edition of Revivals of Religion includes text from the final edition in 1868 with footnotes from the original 1834 and 1835 editions. The book has been published in several languages such as Welsh and French with more than 80,000 copies which justify its presence and claim as a blessing for thousands of souls. Using everyday examples, the book covers a range of controversial subjects from revival and methods of teaching the gospel, instructions for sinners and directions for their spiritual growth in a manner that is charming and humorous. The book is either loved by people who find it liberating or others denounce it.