Seven Sayings of the Saviour on the Cross
Church History by
Arthur W. Pink
If you are about to die today, what are the last thing you would want to say to those you will leave behind? Upon His death, Jesus is both humble and obedient. Though in agony, He was characterized by self-abandonment to His destiny. This book will show us the heart of Jesus, what He was thinking, and what He chose to say as He hung on the cross of the Calvary. We will see Christ’s passion for His people and dedication to fulfill the Father’s will that in His last breath, he shouted victoriously, “It is finished.”
A book with gold on each page, this work by A.W. Pink encourages us not just to listen but do what the Word of God said. So let’s examine the seven last words of the man who died a terrible death but lived without a fault. A Savior who died in our place so that we may live and have life abundantly.