Doctrine of Repentance
Christain Life by
Thomas Watson
What is the common factor between Jesus’ first sermon and farewell address? Both of them are about repentance. As human beings, we are not infallible. We may be faithful, but we still made mistakes. In times like that, what should we do? Walk as if nothing happened and continue with our old ways? Or feel the weight of our sin and repent?
Faith and repentance are two graces necessary to preserve our spiritual life. No matter how faithful we claim to be, we can never be saved without repentance. And any religion not built on its foundation is like a castle built on sand.
The Doctrine of Repentance by Thomas Watson is a book to rebuke and to give us hope at the same time. With all the things happening in the world, this work resonates the number one thing we deeply need today. Everyone is a sinner, but only the repenting sinner can be saved. So let no one boast about their sin but truly repent from it.