The Essentials of Prayer
Practical teaching on prayer by
E.M. Bounds
Classic, powerful and honest, this book depicts prayer as what it is – essential. Bounds wrote nine books, The Essential of Prayer being one of those. The enthusiasm of E.M Bounds makes the text thought-provoking and challenging the reader to reflect and change. The book speaks volumes about the directly proportional relationship between praying and spirituality; it highlights the mindset of a person who is praying attained through undivided attention and a humble heart. E.M bounds build his case on the link of prayer to the entire being of man: the involvement of mind, body and soul affects the nature of man as a whole. The book is performing multiple roles simultaneously: it is an efficient solution for people who seek focus in times of trouble, comfort in meditation as well as it is an unbound intellect that serves as an inspiration for individual and groups who are looking for guidance.