The Gospel of Christ vs Carnal Christianity
Doctrine – Theology by
L.R. Shelton
What does it take to claim that you’re a Christian? Do we need to be pure, or is it ok to deliberately sin? What disqualifies us in taking His name?
This book is a detailed evaluation of “easy-believism” where justification in Christ is offered with liberty but without responsibility. That teaching holds that man can receive Christ without bowing to His authority—a belief held by carnal Christians. However, Shelton argues that there is no such thing as carnal Christianity. If a professed believer is carnal, then he is not a Christian at all.
This work is a rebuke to shake off any false sense of security not grounded on His true teachings. However, it is also an encouragement to those who are devoted to God. It aims to strengthen our faith as we walk and serve Him with all our hearts. May we found that strength as we go through its pages.