The Life of John Knox
Biography by
Thomas M’Crie
This book curates footnotes, papers, notes and letters written by John Knox, ranging from his ministry in Edinburg to his death in November 1572. Thomas M’Crie structures his comprehensive research on the education state Knox, his birth and prayers from unpublished sections and his liberation from his prison days. Considered a valuable artifact, the book is a commitment to the preservation of the life of John Knox, a Scottish reformer who played a major role in the progress of literature in Scotland in the sixteenth century. A priest, religious leader, theologian and writer, John utilized his knowledge on Reformed theology and Presbyterian polity in his interventions in the political events in Scotland to catalyze the Protestant Reformation. With original papers and all its imperfections that validate its authenticity, the book takes from John’s life to provide an elaborate sketch of the history of Reformation in Scotland in a holistic view.