The Lords Prayer/a>
Practical teaching on prayer by
Thomas Watson
One of the most popular preachers in London in the Puritan era and famous puritan preachers in history, Thomas Watson is a prodigious writer who addresses a wide range of subjects including All Things for Good that was originally published by A Divine Cordial, practical divinity, Ten Commandments. A nonconformist, Thomas’s writings are clear, rich and relatable today as they were during the 17th century. The Lord’s Prayer is a three-volume edition that is outstandingly helpful and can be said to be an ideal guide to Christian doctrine, analyzing the preface of prayer and six petitions in detail notwithstanding vigorous dissents. Illuminating and stirring, divine and practical, devotional and beautiful, theologically rich and pastorally sensitive, this book is a great introduction to Puritan literature and it provides practical help as it focuses on biblical instructions. It is a lengthy read but it is metamorphic gold mine of wisdom and insights.