The Very Best of Tozer
Christian Life by
A. W. Tozer
A man who scarcely stated a truth he didn’t glean from God, this is the best book of A. W. Tozer that compiles a fantastic quantity of writings by the author to demonstrate his gift from God. Composed of fifty-two chapters, the book represents major themes of Tozer’s works whereas each chapter offers insight, conviction and praise of God with commitment, something Tozer has come to be known for. Following a philosophy that everything is wrong until God sets it right, this book is written after mediation and prayer which possibly explains the popularity and influence that his book has. Responsibly written, this book does justice to the passion with which Tozer wrote for all who are thirsty for God. A passion that allowed him to be brave, not hesitating in exposing man’s frailties and revealing the power of God as the one who does for those who seek him.